As Overdoses Soar, More States Decriminalize Fentanyl Testing Strips
With time running out in the 2022 legislative session, Georgia lawmakers took up a bill…
Should all raw food have warning labels?
I am writing this in response to Dan Flynn’s raw milk article which appeared in Food Safety News on…
Raw milk wins in Georgia, runs ahead in Missouri, but dies in Iowa
Governor Brian P. Kemp made a special occasion earlier this month for signage of his administration’s Georgia…
Company recalls fresh organic green beans from Whole Foods, Aldi and Lidl after testing finds…
Alpine Fresh Inc. of Doral, FL, is recalling its 1-pound packages of “Hippie Organics” french green beans after…
President Biden, USDA Announce $420 Million Investment in Watershed Infrastructure Projects to…
ALBANY, Georgia, April 21, 2022 – Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was joined by White House…
Parnell brothers fail to persuade magistrate that their trial lawyers were ineffective
The U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Georgia recommends denial of motions to release brothers…
Rural Georgia counties pinpointed as hotspots for death from four common cancers
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain…
Georgia governor has decision to make on raw milk; other states take up question
Time was when no state legislature worth its salt would convene until well after mid-January and adjourn by…
Animation Guild and AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement on New Contract
The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839 and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers have…