Delta Community’s Youth Essay Contest Promotes Financial Responsibility in Children

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Left to Right: Branch Manager Megan Byrd (Delta Community), Principal Amanda Cavin (Peachtree City Elementary), 2024 Youth Essay Contest winner Scarlet Melton and third grade teacher Rachel Badley (Peachtree City Elementary)

Credit Union to Award 21 Elementary School Students with Money in their Savings Account

Delta Community Credit Union is inviting third, fourth and fifth graders in metro Atlanta to enter its 2025 Youth Essay Contest. The credit union will begin accepting submissions on March 1, and is promoting responsible money management at an early age with this year’s essay question: How does saving money now help you build for the future?

Students must write an essay response of 75 words or less and submit it online by March 31. The contest is open to students in the third through fifth grades enrolled in a school within the 16 metro Atlanta counties the credit union serves.

Delta Community will select seven student winners from each grade level based on their essay responses and each student winner will receive a $100 Delta Community Youth Savings Account. The essay contest winners will be announced in April.

The credit union launched the contest in 2016 to recognize the importance of youth financial education and invest in future generations. As part of its commitment to community education, Delta Community also offers two scholarship programs

and hundreds of free classes in metro Atlanta through its Financial Education Center.

Last year two of the winners were from Fayette County: Scarlett Melton, a third grader from Peachtree City Elementary School, and Udisha Sarkar, third grader from Peeples Elementary School.

Left to right: Former Principal Buffy Blodgett (Peeples Elementary), 2024 Youth Essay Contest winner Udisha Sarkar and Branch Manager Megan Byrd (Delta Community)

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