WATCH: Unedited Footage of Kamala Harris’ ’60 Minutes’ Interview Shows CBS News’ Corruption

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As RedState reported on Wednesday evening, the unedited footage of Kamala Harris’ infamous interview with “60 Minutes,” which occurred during the 2024 presidential campaign, has been released by the FCC. A scandal emerged after it was revealed that the show’s editors had moved some of the now-failed nominee’s answers around in order to help her sound more coherent. 

SEE: ’60 Minutes’ Finally Makes a Statement on Kamala Harris Interview Scandal

In other words, she was asked one question, but because her answer was so terrible, another answer from a completely different portion of the interview was edited in to protect her. What we are learning from the unedited footage (click here to watch it all) is that interviewer Bill Whitaker went even further, though.

At very end of unedited @60Minutes video posted today by CBS, @BillWhitakerCBS called Harris’ economic policy proposals “logical.” When cameraman asked to get an over the shoulder shot of Whitaker: “Well we were talking about how you’re gonna pay for it and I mean I truly do mean…

— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) February 5, 2025

WHITAKER: Madam vice president, thank you very much. 

HARRIS: Thank you, thank you.

(Interview officially ends)

(Producer asks for Whitaker to read a question again so he can get an over the shoulder shot)

WHITAKER: Yeah. You need me talking? Well, we were talking about how you’re going to pay for it, and I mean, I truly do mean it, I know your, your plans are logical in a logical sense. The way Washington works is not logical so how are you going to convince a divided Congress that what you say, your plans are something that they should all agree to and provide to the American people, and they’ve shown no inclination to do that up to this point. 

HARRIS: Is that what you needed? 

(Producer asks for 30 seconds of silence for b-roll)

PRODUCER: Cameras are off.

WHITAKER: How will you? 

HARRIS: It’s gonna be taxes. It’s gonna be literally, if the economists, I mean they’re, from each (mumbles) perspective…

WHITAKER: But I hear what you’re saying about the economists, but Congress is not the economists. 

I’ll get to how bad this is for CBS News in a second, but can we just stop and marvel at Kamala Harris’ answer? This person was almost the President of the United States. I spent years chronicling how much of an empty suit she is, but my word, what a word salad. Listen to that again: “It’s gonna be taxes, it’s gonna be literally, if the economists, I mean, they’re, from each perspective.” 

Remember, the cameras were off at that point (insofar as the interview is concerned). That was the time most would relax and just speak like a normal person, and Harris just wasn’t capable of that. America truly dodged a political bullet in not sending her to the Oval Office. Could you imagine her trying to negotiate with foreign leaders? 

Regardless, what Whitaker does there is inexcusable. For starters, her proposals were not “logical.” On the contrary, some of them, such as wanting to tax unrealized gains, were completely idiotic and unworkable, never mind being authoritarian in nature. Secondly, why didn’t Whitaker press her for an answer on how she’d paid for her proposals while the cameras were rolling? Instead, he waits until the interview is called to wink and nod at her to give him a real answer. That’s not journalism. 

What you see in the above clip is how the sausage is made for these left-wing legacy media outlets. They were all in for Harris, and what “60 Minutes” did here proves that. CBS News has a lot of explaining to do, and no one should ever trust anything they produce again.

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