‘Connections’ February 25: Hints and Answers for Puzzle #625

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Today’s Connections is difficult, so don’t worry if you are having trouble solving it; Newsweek has helpful hints for you to maintain your winning streak.

The hit game skyrocketed in popularity following its release to the public on June 12, 2023 by The New York Times. Nearly two years later, it is the publication’s second-most-played game behind Wordle, another daily word-based puzzle.

Previously, Wyna Liu—the newspaper’s puzzle editor who creates the Connections games—told Newsweek that “the response has been really incredible and overwhelming, and unexpected.

“It’s exciting that something I care very deeply about is resonating with people,” she said in June.

How To Play ‘Connections’

The game’s rules are easy to get the hang of. Players must separate 16 words into four categories based on a shared thread. Each of these categories is labeled with a color based on their difficulty. From easiest to most difficult, these colors are: yellow, green, blue and purple.

For example, Monday’s game linked the words “gobble,” “gulp,” “scarf” and “wolf” under the category “Eat voraciously.” This was a yellow category.

The purple category, meanwhile, was “Body parts plus letter,” and the terms associated with it were: “butte,” “China,” “hearth” and “shine.”

Stock image: A man relaxes at home in his kitchen while holding a coffee and his cellphone.

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When you have chosen the words you would like to use from your table, you will click the “Submit” button. If you solved it correctly, they’ll be highlighted in their category color and will be removed from the board. If your selections are incorrect, however, they will remain on the board.

If you are finding yourself particularly stuck, clicking the “Shuffle” button—which mixes up the board—may just give your brain the reset it needs.

Luckily, there is no time limit to the game, so you are free to play for as long as you would like. However, players get only four tries before the answers will be revealed, so it is important to guess wisely and not “rage solve,” as Liu previously advised Newsweek readers.

‘Connections’ #625 Hints and Clues for Tuesday, February 25

Below are Newsweeks clues to help you with Tuesday’s game:

Yellow: Showing excitement

Green: Words in other languages that mean the same thing

Blue: Three-dimensional rectangles

Purple: Rhymes with “penny,” “dime,” “quarter” and “nickel”

‘Connections’ #625 Answers for Tuesday, February 25

Yellow Category: ENTHUSIASM

Yellow Words: Gusto, Passion, Relish, Zest


Green Words: Beaucoup, Molto, Mucho, Multi


Blue Words: Brick, Fish Tank, Microwave, Shoebox

Purple Category: RHYME WITH U.S. COINS

Purple Words: Jenny, Lime, Mortar, Pickle

Congratulations if you managed to solve today’s tough puzzle correctly, but don’t fret if you didn’t. You’ll get another chance on Wednesday when a new game will be available for you to try.

Connections is released at midnight in your local time zone, so be sure to check back with Newsweek daily for more top tips and answers.

Can’t wait for the next Connections to drop? These other popular word games are just as fun.

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