Why Do Employees Resist New Ideas? How to Spot Hostility Towards Change (and Overcome It)

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As we move into 2025, there are changes afoot. The business landscape is always changing, but it is even more dynamic with the return of a pro-business administration. I noticed, as I am sure you did, that customers were taking a wait-and-see approach before the election and into the end of 2024.

My business did not see the usual rush to spend money and launch new efforts, but that changed quickly. Already, I see a willingness for businesses to set themselves up for a strong first quarter. For some, that means looking to make big organizational changes, launch new products, execute capital investments, act on AI or implement recent technologies, or simply change things up.

Say the word change and people go running for cover. Over the years, a great deal has been written about how difficult it is to manage change in the workplace. In 2025 it is likely to be even more challenging. That is not surprising since many workplaces have never recovered from the pandemic.

Each year, Gallup measures key employee experiences like employee engagement and wellbeing. It is historically low. An article on Workplace Challenges for 2025 states, “Employers who want to implement changes will find it difficult to do so if their people are disconnected from their organization.”

Related: The 3 Keys to Overcoming Resistance

3 reasons why people hate change

Have you ever avoided buying a new phone or device because you hate to learn how to operate it? I admit it. I have done that. So, just imagine the angst some have over learning a new software system or a new process. Work for a new boss. No way. With all the pressure to succeed, people do not want to try anything new for fear of failure.

It is a good feeling when you know your job and what to expect. We all get comfortable with our day-to-day routines. When changes are introduced, there is the fear of the unknown. The technical term is xenophobia. Today, people associate it with a fear of strangers, but the original meaning was fear of anything or anyone unfamiliar. That is generally because of a lack of knowledge or information.

Finally, any time there are changes, there is a chance that you will lose some control of your work or your environment. Businesspeople like to be in control. We want to direct the work and have input. The fear of losing control can paralyze, frustrate and even lead to physical symptoms like panic attacks in some individuals.

Related: Our Brains are Hardwired to Resist Change

Signs of resistance to change

There are some ways to spot resistance to change. The first is easy: Look for workplace “buzz.” It is easier to see in the physical workplace: quiet conversations at the “water cooler, ” nervous looks and a strained tone of voice.

This is more difficult to spot if workers are virtual, but it can be done. You need to watch for “micro-expressions.” These are noticeably short, sometimes less than half a second, facial expressions that signal how someone feels. A quick raised brow or a downward twitch of the lips tells you someone is not happy.

Watch for bad behavior — people reacting or overreacting to seemingly innocuous situations. Years ago, I had an employee have a tantrum over moving into a new office. It was a great new building with all new ergonomic furniture in a suitable location. She hated change, and this one was so upsetting that it was the beginning of the end of her employment with the company. This might seem extreme, but just try moving an employee’s workspace, and you might experience something similar.

Finally, look for people who are getting bogged down or simply not getting the work done. They may be taking a wait-and-see attitude to determine whether the changes will stick, or they may be trying to deep-six the efforts.

As a communicator, you might expect that I would tout how critical communication is during times of change. You are right, but it is because I have seen firsthand how quickly the workplace implodes when there is uncertainty about change and little or no constructive communication. Here are three things to help communicate change.

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Get ahead of change. Communicate early

The biggest mistake is waiting too long to introduce the changes. People need time to get comfortable. I like to have a certain amount of information before announcing a change, but I have learned that I do not need to know everything.

Start by planting seeds. For example, if I am making a change in a process, I share that I am researching a new way to do things. I update staff on progress and potential options. By starting early, there are no surprises when the changes take place.

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Focus communication on the “why”

Often, people resist change because they do not understand its purpose. Build a case for why it is necessary and how it can positively impact employees, customers, and the company. Sometimes, change is necessary to avoid a negative situation. That building I talked about earlier became inconvenient as our business changed. Maintenance and utilities costs also climbed and became more expensive.

I decided to sell it and move to a smaller, less costly space. It meant moving to an open environment and giving up some amenities. I did a lot of work to explain why the move was necessary. and included employees in the search for a new office. They visited several sites and helped design the new place. This was a successful change because everyone was involved in the discussion.

Related: How Do I Lead My Small Business Through Constant Change?

Acknowledge pain — and celebrate effort

The power of saying, “I know that change is hard,” should not be underestimated. I routinely ask employees how they feel about a change and if I can help in any way. When we instituted a new software system, I sat in during the training. It was painful for them and me, but eventually, it was worth it. You also want to celebrate the good things that result from the change. Make a big deal about efficiency or improved outcomes.

Change is tricky, but how you communicate makes all the difference.

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