If you’re beginning your week with a Wordle puzzle, Newsweek is here to get you through it and set you off to a smooth start.
Wordle is The New York Times‘ most popular word game, followed closely by the beloved game Connections.
The newspaper bought it from Josh Wardle in January 2022, after it garnered 2 million players in just four months.
Before we get into Newsweek‘s hints, tips and the final answer for Monday’s game (so be careful when you scroll, let’s recap on how to play.
How to Play Wordle
The point of the game to guess the correct five-letter word. As you enter a letter into a block, its color will change.
Green means it is the right letter in the right place, gray means the letter is not included in the word at all and yellow means you have the right letter, but in the wrong place.
You have six guesses in total.
Tips on Where to Start
Players have saidthat one way to begin is to start each puzzle with the same word every time.
This gives you a foundation to start off from and the results will hopefully give you a clue on your next stop.
But a different player, author John Green, has a completely different strategy, using an entirely new word every time he plays the game.
Green told the NYT: “I know this is not the ideal strategy, or even a good one, but I like it. I usually get it in four, which is perfect for me because the stress of the fifth and sixth guess is almost unbearable.”
Other tips include starting with a word that has a lot of vowels—like “audio” or “canoe” and trying out two very different words for the first two lines to cover all bases.
Wordle #1,234 Clues for Monday, November 4
Hint #1: The word can mean two different things, depending on the context.
Hint #2: The word is often used to refer to something you use to listen to music.
Hint #3: It also describes the material used to create this item.
Hint #4: The word has one vowel in it.
Hint #5: The word has the letter “y” in it.
Wordle #1,234 Answer for Monday, November 4
The answer for today’s puzzle is “vinyl”.
It is defined as a noun which refers to “strong plastic that can be bent, used for making floor coverings, furniture, clothing, etc., or (especially in the past) records,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary.
Did you get the answer? Newsweek will be back to help you with the Wordle puzzle every day. The new puzzle drops at midnight in local time zones.