NBC News: Latino Layoffs at LA Times Threaten Coverage of Election Disinformation

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When social media censored the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop scoop and locked the Post out of its account for six weeks, we didn’t hear much support from the rest of the mainstream media. NPR even put out a statement explaining why you wouldn’t be hearing about the laptop on NPR; because it was a “distraction.”

Professional journalists were our best guard against disinformation, such as the COVID lab leak theory, Donald Trump’s secret back-end connection to a Russian bank, or Biden’s laptop. And with the layoff of Latino journalists at the Los Angeles Times, were in danger of being overcome with disinformation in an important election year.

Job cuts of Hispanic journalists at the L.A. Times and other newsrooms raise worries of fewer watchdogs calling out misinformation and fake content aimed at Latinos. https://t.co/nZ1FPx0Jfx

— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 27, 2024

NBC News LATINO reports

As Covid ravaged the country, Los Angeles Times opinion writer Jean Guerrero saw firsthand how outrageous claims of cures on social media were being passed around Latino families by relatives. Her father had sent her one on YouTube.

Guerrero used the experience with her father to blast the spread of Covid disinformation among Latinos in a May 2021 column in the prominent national newspaper.

But on Tuesday, Guerrero, the newspaper’s only Latina opinion columnist, got a layoff notice, one of the many Hispanic and other journalists of color among the 115 newsroom staffers that the outlet chopped.


Oh, we know Jean Guerrero … she’s the opinion columnist who went on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” and said then-gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder held a “white supremacist worldview” and was a “real danger to communities of color.”

Latinx, you racist colonizer supporting bigots!

— Don Helpingstine (@dhelpingstine) January 27, 2024

The misinformation was coming from inside the newsroom. https://t.co/H6KSlnsuVl pic.twitter.com/FUEsOkEUhT

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 27, 2024

“Job cuts of Hispanic journalists at the L.A. Times and other newsrooms raise worries of fewer perveyors of misinformation and fake content aimed at Latinos.”


— Uncultured Purrl (@AmericanPurrl) January 27, 2024

Sooo… only Hispanic people tell the truth about Hispanic people?

What in the unholy word salad is this attempt at race baiting???

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 27, 2024

You’re saying the LA Times is targeting Hispanic journalists for firings of layoffs? You want to quantify or qualify that? Or you going with that allegation?

— Joe Pags Pagliarulo (@JoeTalkShow) January 27, 2024

I love that this was filed under NBC LATINO

It is pretty clear you are just upset that your racially segregated newsrooms are next on the chopping block.

Even @NBCBLK may not be safe

Where will I get my news about black people then?? pic.twitter.com/KKvMsTml92

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) January 27, 2024

Aprende a codificar.

— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) January 27, 2024

Not nearly enough of you guys lost your jobs.

— Farbrook (@CellarDoor747) January 27, 2024

These are the only watchdogs for a whole community?

— Uncommon Sense (@senseuncommonly) January 27, 2024

NBC News LATINO reports that “a 2021 Nielsen study found Latinos are more likely to consume and share misinformation.” Politico reported back in 2021 that Spanish-language radio stations in Florida were part of an astroturf campaign to make Vice President Kamala Harris look incompetent.

So not really reporting. Just “watchdogging” for misinformation. Sounds like a solid career. 😂

— Mr Bad Example (@MrBadExample15) January 27, 2024

You guys are awful.

— OutlanderinLV🇺🇸 (@Trustno1fxm) January 27, 2024

You realize that it’s this kind of race-baiting, bull-crap “journalism” that’s gutting the industry, right?
Enjoy your early retirement.

— Crass Hat (@ss_Mensch) January 27, 2024

That’s why it’s so important that NBC News has set up umbrellas like NBC NEWS LATINO, NBC News BLK, and NBC News OUT — so those communities have someone they can trust.

What about the constant misinformation from @NBCNews.

— Jeff C (@jeff_atl) January 27, 2024

You mean this? pic.twitter.com/8MAtzTiRi3

— CurtisLeow (@curtisleow789) January 27, 2024

Dang Biden’s economy even hurting Hispanic people who report on Hispanic people because no one else can get it right. Is that correct?

— Stacey Celebrates Traditions (@SunlightShine55) January 27, 2024

DEI didn’t seem to have anyone at the Los Angeles Times, so what good is it?


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