CCTV Captures Cat’s ‘Heartwarming’ Reaction After Realizing Owners Are Home

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Pets can brighten our days in many ways, which is why this cat owner has shared the loving welcome she received from her feline when she returned home.

While the cat waits patiently by the window, pet-camera footage captures the heartwarming moment when Shadow notices her owners return home. As soon as the black cat sees their car reappear, she starts to meow with excitement, before running out of the room to greet them.

Shadow’s owner, Kerry Chapman, told Newsweek that the 5-year-old feline always likes to greet her when she walks through the door, adding that “it’s the best feeling.”

Chapman, from Nottingham, U.K., said: “Shadow gives the best greets. Whether she has company in the house or not, she will always greet my partner and I when we come through the door.

From left: Shadow waiting for her owners; and the black cat’s reaction caught on the pet cam. Her owner Kerry Chapman told Newsweek she was incredibly heartened by her pet’s loving reaction when she and her partner came home. / TikTok

“It was really heartwarming watching the footage back and seeing and hearing how excited she was to see us,” she added.

Although Chapman is accustomed to seeing how Shadow greets her at the door, she had never seen what the initial response was like until checking the footage back on the pet camera.

There is little doubt that we are a society of animal lovers, and our pets play a pivotal role in our lives. A YouGov poll in 2022 highlighted just how strong that connection is, as 77 percent of 1,000 owners admitted to seeking comfort from their pets at some point. In addition, 40 percent said that they feel a sense of anxiety when they are away from their pet throughout the day.

The survey participants were also asked about the impact that their pets have on their lives, and the responses showed that many cat owners mentioned the enviably strong bond they share. YouGov also reported that a large proportion said that their cat reduces the feelings of stress and anxiety when they’re around.

The video of Shadow was shared on Chapman’s TikTok account ( on September 25, and it’s already been viewed over 1.9 million times. Since going viral, the post has amassed more than 286,000 likes and almost 2,000 comments in a matter of days, as many pet owners praise the rescue cat’s precious reaction.

The overwhelming response has been unlike anything that Chapman could have expected, as she told Newsweek that most of the comments are wonderful, and many people have said they can tell just how loved she is.

Chapman added: “She’s very sociable around humans but isn’t fond of other cats. The rescue center informed us that she would need to be the only pet. She had to be moved to a pet-free household whilst at the rescue centre because the other cats stressed her out so much that she scratched her face raw and needed veterinary treatment.

“So, for the time being, while we get her health issues under control, she will be the only fur child. We also work from home so she’s very rarely by herself. She is very loved, and we have her best interests at heart.”

Among the numerous comments on the post, one TikTok user wrote: “Such misunderstood animals. Independent yet so loving, I will always love cats.”

Another comment reads: “I’m so sorry to tell you, but you are legally no longer allowed to leave. Her little meows!”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

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