Amanda Bynes Checks Out of Mental Hospital, Plan in Place for Recovery

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Amanda Bynes
Checks Out of Mental Health Facility …
Recovery Plan in Place

7/1/2023 1:00 AM PT

Amanda Bynes continues to battle her mental health problems, but there’s some good news … she’s now out of a psychiatric facility with a plan in place for her to stay healthy and safe.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us … Amanda checked out of a mental health facility late Friday, nearly two weeks after she was admitted. Both Amanda and her medical team felt she’s made the right steps toward getting back to living independently.

Obviously, Bynes isn’t totally in the clear — as her mental health is an ongoing battle — but there’s now a plan in place to make sure she does everything to get her illness in check.

For starters, our sources say she’ll start outpatient care … with a medical professional checking in daily.

We’re told Amanda will also be monitored to make sure she’s taking her daily meds and continues to stay in a good headspace.

TMZ broke the story, Amanda called LAPD June 17 to report she was in distress and felt she could do herself harm. Officers responded with a mental health specialist who determined Amanda needed to be placed on a psych hold … where she remained until Friday.

Of course, the incident is just one in a long history for Bynes … but the important thing is she’s been able to self-identify when she’s in trouble.

As we first reported, Amanda was seen walking near DTLA without clothes earlier this year, flagging down a car and calling 911 to get some help. She was placed on a mental health hold back then as well … and it lasted for several weeks.

The hope this time around … Amanda and her doctors can keep her on track to living a healthy and independent life.

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