Science of Identity Foundation releases five short wisdom videos on YouTube

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In these videos, world-renowned yoga spiritual master Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa explains the purpose of existence, karma, reincarnation and developing our relationship with God.

Science of Identity Foundation has released five short wisdom videos on their official YouTube channel. In these videos, world-renowned yoga spiritual master Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa explains about the purpose of existence, karma, reincarnation and developing our relationship with God. These videos are excerpts from a wisdom lecture of Jagad Guru named, “Reincarnation & Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.”

In our lives, we experience many good and bad incidents and some people hold God responsible for those events. If something good happens they thank God, and when the opposite happens they blame God. But Jagad Guru teaches that God is not responsible for either the good or bad things that happen in our lives. Whatever happens is a reaction to our past activities.

“The fact is each of us is under the law of material nature & the law of karma. We are sowing and we are reaping according to how we have sown.”

– Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa

According to Jagad Guru, the purpose of existence is to develop a loving relationship with God in remembrance of our true identity.

When we forget our real identity as parts and parcels of God, and we live a life of ignorance, then we suffer in this world. But if we meditate on God and develop our loving relationship with Him, we experience lasting happiness.

 “Through meditation you develop your love for God, you live for God really, and in that way you’re happy here. Even though there is death in this world, you still experience happiness because you know, “I am not this body. I am the eternal servant of God”. You taste that happiness of love for God even while you are here serving Him. And then when you leave your body, you go back to Him.”

– Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa

Jagad Guru says that God is all-powerful and the most lovable person. When we develop our attachment to Him, we taste the nectar of love for God and go back to God’s kingdom after leaving this body.

Each one of these videos is less than a minute and can be watched on the go or when relaxing. These short videos are available on Science of Identity Foundation official YouTube channel. You can gain valuable insights from these short videos.

About Science of Identity Foundation

Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa established the Science of Identity Foundation in 1977. Jagad Guru is a Vaishnava spiritual master in the disciplic succession known as the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya. This highly respected spiritual lineage extends back over 5,000 years to Lord Krishna Himself. Science of Identity Foundation teaches the practice of meditation and kirtan, along with the timeless yoga wisdom of Vaishnava Hinduism, to help individuals achieve greater spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Passed down for centuries through an unbroken line of self-realized teachers, this ancient and authentic process of self-discovery can be practiced by anyone.

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Jeannie Bishop

Science of Identity Foundation


[email protected]

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Religion News Service or Religion News Foundation.

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