Rescue Dog Named Taylor Swift Gives Birth to 9 Puppies All Given Song Names

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A rescue dog named Taylor Swift gave birth to nine puppies on her first night in an animal shelter with staff naming each of the adorable pups after songs by the eponymous pop icon.

According to the ASPCA, 3.1 million dogs enter animal shelters each year. In this instance, Taylor Swift came with—what staff soon discovered to be—substantial baggage.

First found roaming around Las Vegas as a stray, on November 30, 2022, Taylor Swift was brought to a local shelter, The Animal Foundation. Within 24 hours, she had given birth to no fewer than nine happy and healthy puppies.

Taking their cue from the inspiration for the pooch’s moniker, the staff set about naming her puppies after some of Taylor Swift’s most popular songs. The pups were christened: Wildest Dreams, Paper Rings, Bejeweled, Style, Tim McGraw, Fearless, Enchanted, Cardigan, and Gorgeous.

Taylor Swift and her puppies. A rescue dog named Taylor Swift gave birth to nine puppies on her first night in an animal shelter with staff naming each of the adorable pups after songs by the eponymous pop icon.
Best Friends Animal Society

A few days after their births, Taylor Swift and her pups were brought to The Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah where they were placed into a foster home.

Brittany Thorn, executive director at Best Friends Animal Society, told Newsweek: “Taylor Swift was such a great mama and we wanted her to have some time to relax in a home and get the love and attention she deserved. We knew that once the pups were big and healthy enough, people wouldn’t be able to resist them!”

After a short stay in Utah, Taylor Swift and her pups were on the move once again, heading to the Best Friends Pet Adoption Center in L.A., in what staff hoped would be their final spot before finding a forever home.

“Best Friends Los Angeles runs a robust adoption program, and we felt bringing the whole family to L.A. would give them the best shot at being seen and adopted,” Thorn explained. “It is common for Best Friends Animal Society to transfer animals between our lifesaving centers and sanctuary, to give all of our pets the best chance at being adopted.”

Two of Taylor Swift’s puppies. After a short stay in Utah, Taylor Swift and her pups were on the move once again, heading to the Best Friends Pet Adoption Center in L.A.
Best Friends Animal Society

Maybe it was the fact they were named after Taylor Swift, or perhaps it was down to them being absolutely adorable—but both the mom and her puppies soon began to garner admirers.

“It didn’t take long for Taylor Swift and her ‘squad’ to get noticed,” Thorn said. “We had foster families ready to take in the pups and some already have adoptive families once they are spayed or neutered.”

While the puppies are now set to embark on new adventures with new families to play with and care for them, their mom is currently enjoying a well-earned rest after a busy couple of months.

“Since there were a lot of changes for Taylor Swift, we wanted to ensure she had some time to decompress, so she is enjoying her time in a foster home,” Thorn said. “Once she is spayed, she will be available for adoption.”

Taylor Swift’s puppies resting and relaxing. While the puppies are now set to embark on new adventures with new families to play with and care for them, their mom is currently enjoying a well-earned rest after a busy couple of months.
Best Friends Animal Society

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