U.S. Railroads and the Pitfalls of Systematic Understaffing

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The potential strike that the federal government just outlawed does not mean U.S. railroads’ labor problems are over. The root cause is their wrongheaded belief that minimizing staffing is good for their business. The authors’ research and work with service companies shows that firms that operate with some overstaffing and create an operating system that allows workers to do their best are more successful than those who focus on minimizing their labor costs.

U.S. railroad companies’ refusal to grant paid sick leave to their workers has exposed a startling vulnerability in the American economy: Rail staffing levels are not high enough to allow employees to take time off when they are ill. While Congress has intervened to block a strike, the underlying cause of the labor dispute — systemic understaffing — will persist. It’s the product of the companies’ years-long obsession with increasing efficiency and lowering costs, which has resulted in their slashing their payrolls by tens of thousands. And it’s yet another example of a misguided belief that is prevalent in other sectors, including manufacturing, health care (e.g., hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies), and retailing.

This “bad jobs” system is not just bad for workers; it’s also bad for customers and companies that adopt it. In the case of railroads, it poses risks to workers’ health, the safety of passengers and their communities, and the quality of customer service. Our organization, the Good Jobs Institute, helps companies adopt a different operating system, the “good jobs strategy,” that allows workers to excel in serving customers. One of its fundamental elements is operating with slack.

Our research demonstrates that companies that design their operations in such a way generate strong customer satisfaction and sales growth, are more profitable, and continuously improve.

The Costs of Understaffing

When employees don’t have enough time to complete their work, mistakes and shortcuts are inevitable. This manifests itself in the form of poor execution — including service failures and delays, misplaced inventory, waste, long checkout lines, and a lack of bandwidth to solve customer problems. These deficiencies reduce sales and increase costs. Workers and managers can’t take time off and are subject to burnout — all of which contribute to higher employee turnover. In a system with high turnover, understaffing, and poor operational execution, frontline managers are constantly fighting fires. They have no time to hire the right people and train them well, which then creates more problems.

In our work with service companies, we’ve seen frozen and dairy products spoil on pallets as short-staffed teams struggle to load them into coolers. We’ve witnessed people living at assisted-living facilities having to wait 45 minutes to go to the bathroom because there was no one available to help them. We’ve observed how when retailers rely on scheduling software, rather than management judgment, to determine the staffing levels of stores, the result was often long lines at checkout stations because the forecast incorrectly predicted customer traffic would be low. And we know of plenty of instances of managers having to man cash registers because they weren’t allowed to hire enough people.

Such environments are not just demoralizing for employees who must spend their days reacting to problems rather than performing their jobs well. They are also frustrating for customers.

The Benefits of Operating with Slack

Operating with slack — erring on the side of overstaffing instead of understaffing — is one of the methods that successful retailers such as Costco and QuikTrip use. In addition, they pay their workers more than the norm, offer low prices, and create great value for their shareholders. Their approach is in accordance with Little’s Law: If there’s any variability in your operating system, you do not want to operate with 100% capacity utilization, and the more variability there is, the more extra capacity you need.

Exemplary retailers operate with slack because they recognize that variability is inevitable in their business: Customers interrupt employees doing their work. Deliveries don’t always show up on time. Employees get sick. Even weather changes can cause variability in workloads. To these retailers, the costs of understaffing (the poor operational execution and service that hurts their customers and fuels higher worker and manager turnover) are more expensive than the costs of overstaffing. To ensure there are enough hands on deck to operate up to the company’s high standards, QuikTrip even has a dedicated role: “relief employees,” who are responsible for filling in when someone is sick, has an emergency, or is on vacation. While the pandemic made things harder even for these retailers, slack ensured they could keep their doors open, unlike many of their competitors.

Operating with slack is crucial to achieving operational excellence. Employees do their work well and make fewer errors. It creates the capacity to hear customer feedback, engage in continuous improvement, hire the right candidates, and train them well. But you can’t operate with slack if you have slackers: Employees who don’t show up on time or are not motivated or able to do a good job.

Companies that have embraced the “good jobs strategy” do everything they can to attract the right people, keep them for a long time, and design their jobs to motivate them and increase their productivity and overall performance.

Railroad companies should pay heed. Although the federal government’s action allowed them to avoid a strike, they are not out of the woods. Their understaffing remains a hazard for their workers, their customers, and the vitality of their businesses. It is high time that they recognized that their obsession with efficiency and low costs is exacting a high price.

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