GOP Rep. Malliotakis: Pro-Omnibus Republicans Took the Pork and Ran

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On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) stated that the nine House Republicans who voted for the omnibus bill were “taking the pork and running” since most of them are retiring, and did so in a process where the bill was brought up “when people are busy with Christmas, not paying attention to the news,” and Congress couldn’t read the bill.

Malliotakis stated, “Well, those are members who are, again, on their way out the door. And I think it’s kind of just taking the pork and running. And it is unfortunate, because I don’t believe that this is in the best interests of the American people. Look, we need to get serious about spending in this country. We need to look for areas to cut. If you went through this bill — and I tried, it was 4,100 pages, we tried to do what we could in terms of going through it — you found a lot of wasteful programs, more money being spent to international organizations, more money being sent to umbrellas under the United Nations, more money being spent overseas for all sorts of purposes in other countries while we have American families struggling here at home. And the fact that we did not have the time to read it and that they’re trying to bring it when people are busy with Christmas, not paying attention to the news, that’s exactly what they want. They don’t want the American people to know what’s in it. And that’s why they went through this process. They could have easily, in September, extended this for the rest of the year, the funding. But they chose to come back in December to give themselves one more bite at the apple should they lose in November’s election, that is exactly what happened.”

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