Wordle Today #525 Answer, Clues and Hints for Saturday, November 26 Game

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Wordle has become a smash hit since Josh Wardle, a New York-based software developer, first released it to the public in October 2021.

Part of Wordle’s brilliance is its simplicity, which means almost anyone can play regardless of whether they have experience with word games.

Each day the player has to work out a new five letter word in six attempts or less. After each guess the letters light up, letting you know how accurate you were.

If a letter goes green it is both in the word, and in the correct position. Yellow means the letter features, but not where you put it, whilst gray tells you it’s not included at all.

A person playing online word game “Wordle” on a mobile phone in Washington, DC on January 11, 2022. Newsweek has some hints and tips to help you solve the latest Wordle puzzle.

Speaking to Newsweek in January Wardle admitted that, despite inventing Wordle, he can still struggle with the game.

He said: “Well, I did create Wordle and I’m not very good at it, so there’s your answer! I’m afraid I’m not really the best.

“[My partner] and I play it on the couch together each morning. She will consistently get it in three goes, which is way, way better than I can ever hope to achieve. I normally need at least 4 or 5 attempts.”

During the same month Wardle sold Wordle to the New York Times, though the game remains free to play.

Wordle’s popularity has helped inspire a number of other online puzzles, including Nerdle, Quordle and Worldle.

The answer to today’s puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down with caution if you want to work it out for yourself. To help you solve today’s Wordle, Newsweek has provided some hints and tips on the latest puzzle.

‘Wordle’ #525 Tips and Clues for Saturday, November 26

Wordle players can use these five hints to solve puzzle #525.

Hint #1: The answer contains two vowels.

Hint #2: There are no repeated letters.

Hint #3: Synonyms for today’s word include “washed” and “tidy.”

Hint #4: The third and fourth letters are vowels.

Hint #5: Your family/roommates will appreciate you for being this.

‘Wordle’ #525 Answer for Saturday, November 26

The answer to today’s Wordle is “Clean.”

That was an interesting one! A relatively common word, with two of the most used vowels, it wasn’t the toughest puzzle we’ve yet faced, but it was still a good brainteaser.

Did you get it? If so, congratulations. But don’t worry if not. One of our favorite things about Wordle is seeing if you can improve your score over time. Either way, we hope to see you again tomorrow for more hints and tips.

What Does ‘Clean’ Mean?

The Cambridge University Dictionary defines clean as “free from any dirty marks, pollution, bacteria, etc.”

For example: “Make sure your hands are clean before you have your dinner.”

The next Wordle puzzle will be available at 7 p.m. ET, when the daily update occurs.

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