What Do Waste Oil Disposal Buyers Want in a Product?

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(RestaurantNews.com)  What is it that purchasers most want when purchasing a product? ‘Compliance with a perceived need? Solution to a problem? Best price available?

The simple answer, ‘EVERYTHING’.

Folks want a product that appears in line with popular opinion, that solves a problem AND with the lowest price:The SUPER DEAL.

How does the Shortening Shuttle® respond to these questions?

Before ‘social awareness’ became a ‘thing’ or folks realized they had a problem, Worcester Industrial Products was coming up with a method to transport waste cooking oil from the fryer to the dumpster.  Moving hot oil could and continues to be a safety concern. We have solved the problem of safety, met the ‘need’ of being green and recycling and have the best price for the quality of product.

The Shortening Shuttles® are made in America by American Works out of of recycled materials sourced 90% in America.  It doesn’t get much better than that!

We don’t wait to ‘land’ supplies hoping that our order will arrive in time.

We don’t open boxes to find our orders made from inferior materials.

We make our products right here in America.

Our workers show up to do their best, every day.  They are the BACKBONE of business in America.

Best price: We can tell you for the quality product you are buying, you are getting the best price.  Bottom line: Quality costs.  You get what you pay for.

For over 33 years, The Shortening Shuttle® has been helping crews safely transport cooking oil from the fryer to the dumpster.  We have thousands of satisfied customers who will confirm the quality of our product.  Many ‘brand’ operators have told us that “The Shortening Shuttle® has been the best purchase I have ever made for my operation!”

As they say: it is what it IS….Really!

Check us out at www.Shortening-Shuttle.com or contact us a sales@shortening-shuttle.com for more information. Call 800-533-5711.  We are always ready to chat about our products.

Martha Hawley

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