A Fox News Contributor’s Viral $28 Taco Bell Order Isn’t Inflation’s Fault

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On a Fox Business segment that aired Wednesday, contributor Scott Martin, the Chief Investment Officer of a wealth management company, went on a tirade about the pernicious influence of inflation on the American economy. The evidence? His Taco Bell lunch order from the day before—totaling $28.

To be sure, inflation is very real, and it’s seeing restaurants across the country raise their prices to save their bottom line. And fast-food franchises are not immune to inflation’s wrath.

But Martin’s $28 lunch at Taco Bell doesn’t quite seem like a symptom of inflation. Even the show’s anchor, Neil Cavuto, was taken aback, attempting to clarify, “Wait a minute, you spent $28 at Taco Bell for just yourself?”

“It’s true,” Martin confirmed.

As the people of Twitter expressed their confusion, Martin took to the platform to share a screenshot of his now famous order.

Anyone’s free to spend their hard-earned money however they please, but at many locations of the value franchise known for cheap options, it’s actually difficult to tally up a one-person receipt that high, as many Twitter users observed. They laid out the sheer quantity of food at their local Taco Bell that it would take to reach that total. A $28 lunch, particularly at Taco Bell, is not inevitable, and it’s avoidable—even in this era of soaring prices.

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