Poll: 70% of Americans want to vote on abortion in state ballots

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Seven in 10 Americans, regardless of party affiliation, want to be able to vote on an abortion measure on their state ballot, according to a new Ipsos/USA Today poll released Wednesday.

Driving the news: The poll was conducted after Kansas became the first state in the post-Roe era in which U.S. voters cast a ballot on abortion — they decided last week to reject an amendment that would have gotten rid of abortion protections in the state’s Constitution.

Catch up quick: When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the opinion of the court that the ability to regulate abortion was “returned to the people and their elected representatives.”

Details: The idea to vote on abortion was supported across party lines, with 73% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans and 67% of independents.

By the numbers: If there was an abortion-related state ballot measure, the poll found that 54% of Americans would vote in favor of abortion legality, whereas 28% say that they would vote against it.

  • The difference was starker between the two political parties: 76% of Democrats would support abortion legality, while 34% of Republicans would.

What we’re watching: Come November, voters in California, Vermont, Kentucky and Montana will get to make decisions related to abortion.

  • Ballot measures in Michigan and Colorado are still awaiting certification.

Go deeper: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

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