‘I’m not going to help you:’ Man drowned in Tempe Town Lake as police watched, transcripts reveal

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Reach, Throw, Row, Go / Dont go. watch the video first then read my comment. This is the key fundamentals of water rescue for people that are TRAINED. Cops are 100% not trained to do this and a drowning person is entirely capable of drowning you as well EVEN if you are trained. Reach for the person, throw any object rope or any floating object, row to the victim in a water craft. Go / dont go is the biggest one. Go if you are able to safely protect yourself and the victim. Dont go if if there is a chance of becoming a victim. Unless you have a flotation device at the ready there is a huge risk involved. As a firemedic who has water rescue training I still would not go in after a person WITH NO EQUIPMENT. HERES some reading info if you want it. There’s tons of info on it. look up rescuer drowning, Instinctive drowning response etc EDIT HERES the full video of the interaction.

SECOND EDIT. We need more metal health people in the field. Our department runs over 150,000 calls a year and we are barley trained in mental health episodes. Im a huge PT advocate and work deal with people in distress all the time. I really try to help people and im not enough!!!! Please ask for assistance in the first responder field and stop shitting on us.

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