GOP Rep. Cammack: I Expect Biden Admin. Will Find ‘Crafty’ Ways to Work Around Title 42 Ruling

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On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) celebrated a federal court blocking the Biden administration from lifting Title 42 but pointed out that there have been problems on the border even with Title 42 and stated that the Biden administration has “been very crafty in altering statutes and definitions and helping these folks to basically coach them up so that they fall into certain categories. I expect this will happen with Title 42.”

Cammack said, “[I]t has been a disaster from day one, when Biden, with a stroke of a pen, created this border crisis. It’s by his own doing. Now, it’s tremendous news about Title 42, but let’s be clear. Title 42 was never the silver bullet to solve this. And you ask any Border Patrol agent, they will tell you they need a resounding policy to stop the flow of illegals coming across the border. This was just one tool in the toolbox. So, a collective sigh of relief, but knowing this administration and what they have done to existing policies like MPP, the Remain in Mexico Policy, they have been very crafty in altering statutes and definitions and helping these folks to basically coach them up so that they fall into certain categories. I expect this will happen with Title 42.”

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