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NED Acquires Carolina Equipment Rental, Sales & Service in Fairview, NC

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On Jan. 26, 2023, National Equipment Dealers LLC finalized the acquisition of Carolina Equipment Rental, Sales & Service, located in Fairview, N.C.

Carolina Equipment began in the mid 1990’s, originally doing business as Rent-It of Fairview. The owners, Peter and Ellen Jensen, purchased the business in the year 2000. Under their new ownership and management, the company originally supported the Fariview, N.C., community with small equipment and tool rental.

In 2004, the Jensens changed the name of the company to Carolina Equipment Rental, Sales & Service, in order to re-focus their business strategy away from “DIY” residential customers, and more toward small-to-medium sized contractors, site development companies, and municipalities.

Carolina Equipment began representing the Yanmar Construction Equipment line in 2002. Since that time, as they expanded, they picked up additional compact equipment and forestry lines, including ASV compact track loaders, Fecon mulching attachments and others.

“NED is proud to welcome the Carolina Equipment family of employees to our growing organization. This acquisition will further improve our ability to support our western North Carolina customer base,” said Jesse Beasley, chief operations officer, NED LLC.

The new NED branch in Fletcher, N.C., will continue to represent Yanmar Construction Equipment, ASV and Fecon, along with additional brands, currently represented by NED in North Carolina, including Hyundai Construction Equipment, Bell Trucks, Dynapac, Sakai soil rollers, Manitou, Tana, XCMG, Prinoth, Barko and others.

“Part of our growth strategy for this region is to expand the current facilities to a new location. Our new location in Fletcher, N.C., is located on a 4-acre site off of I-26 at 99 Underwood Road,” explained Beasley. “We thank the Jensens for entrusting our organization to continue their legacy in the equipment business.”

Peter Jensen, along with his existing team, will continue on as NED employees at the new location in Fletcher, with additional NED resources and equipment brands to support a growing customer base in the Asheville, N.C., region.


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