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Woman, 59, Shares All the Ways She Maintains Youthful Glow—Without Botox

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A 59-year-old woman’s ageless skincare tips have gone viral on social media—but could they be as effective for viewers as they have been for her?

Giovanna Gerencser, known online as @gigi__333, became a viral sensation after dishing out her skincare secrets in a TikTok post from February 27. The short video, which has been viewed more than 11.1 million times, walked viewers through the straightforward regimen that she claims has helped her maintain a tight, unwrinkled and age-defying complexion.

Her routine’s success online underscores a growing interest in natural skincare, anti-aging solutions and an obsession with youth—as more Millennial and Gen Z individuals turn to “preventative” injectables and fillers.

“Along with healthy eating, exercise, managing stress and living simply, I feel like I have managed to stave off the aging process a little longer,” Gerencser, from British Columbia, Canada, told Newsweek. “I don’t use botox, nor filler, and have had no surgery.”

Giovanna Gerencser Details Skincare Routine
From left: Giovanna Gerencser walks viewers online through her anti-aging skincare routine; and poses for a photo. The skincare enthusiast, 59, surprised viewers online with her staple products and choices.


Viewers online watched as Gerencser shared her skincare staples; bone broth, water, tretinoin, and micro-exfoliant treatments. As she held each product or remedy up to the camera, she told her digital audience that they “will change [their] lives.”

The skincare enthusiast attributes her youthful appearance to a combination of bone broth, staying hydrated with water and Celtic salt, tretinoin, and regular micro-exfoliation. Gerencser’s Italian heritage plays a significant role in her skincare routine. Her father, a restaurant owner from Treviso, Italy, frequently cooked her bone broth, which she refers to as “brodo.”

“My dad used to make brodo all the time and it’s loaded with collagen, the protein responsible for plump skin,” Gerencser said. “Celtic salt and water is also a must for me to stay hydrated.

“I take just one flake under the tongue and I drink a little water, I do that several times throughout the day.”

Are Gerencser’s Tips Too Good To Be True?

“Nourished skin is healthy skin and bone broth definitely has a lot of nutrition and health benefits,” Michelle Paty, owner and lead injector at Preva Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado, told Newsweek. “As a nurse practitioner, and aesthetic provider, do I think the effects are strong enough to reverse facial signs of aging such as volume and collagen loss, loss of elasticity, oxidative and environmental stress? Probably not.”

Paty then moved on to the significance of exfoliation in skincare, something that Gerencser swears by.

“Exfoliation is very important in order to remove the dead top layer of skin and allow fresh skin to emerge,” Paty said. “This allows for a lessened appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improves dullness for a more glowing complexion.”

She added that Gerencser is right about hydration, saying that it is another critical aspect of skin health.

“Hydration is incredibly important for skin health, it allows for a glowing complexion and aids in lymphatic circulation which is a main pathway the body uses to remove toxins and keep the skin healthy,” Paty said.

Tretinoin, a key component of Gerencser’s routine, is one of the most scientifically proven methods for improving skin texture and reducing fine lines.

“The medication is a topical form of vitamin A that works to improve skin texture and improve cellular turnover in the skin,” Paty said.

However, she cautioned that while these practices can improve the optics of one’s skin, mainly its texture and vibrancy, they do not prevent or reverse the volume and collagen loss that comes with aging.

Paty also urged viewers to be skeptical of taking advice from “skinfluencers” online.

“I tell my clients to take what they see on social media with a grain of salt,” she said.

The clinic owner expressed concern after watching Gerencser’s video, that the creator could have used a filter in the short clip to enhance her skin and hide imperfections.

Despite Paty’s reservations about the post, millions of viewers have embraced Gerencser and her message about prioritizing long-term wellness and discipline over quick fixes.

“Gigi, YOU are changing my life,” one user, @yobdogg01, said.

Another, @phoexzl, added: “You look so young no wrinkles or whatsoever.”

Other viewers are not as convinced, and suspect that Gerencser’s youthful look might be hiding secrets.

“You got facelift, chemical peeling and botox,” @letsgotravel200 said.

Another, @moderndaypsychologist, added: “Good genes. This will change your life.”

While she had tried botox once, and regretted it soon after, Gerencser claims to have steered clear of injectables ever since. She decided to launch her own micro-exfoliant treatment in 2008, after focusing her attention on maintaining a youthful complexion without having to consult needles. Her brand, Halo & Horns Skin, is based in British Columbia.

“I developed our micro-exfoliant years ago after having an adverse skin reaction from a medication I was given for an autoimmune disease,” she said. “I developed cysts on my face, severe hyperpigmentation from the nose down and my skin became textured, dry and it severely affected my self confidence.

“There was nothing on the market at that time and the rest is history.”

Gerencser said that she uses her exfoliant every day, and that she has been doing so for the past 16 years. But despite her efforts to defy the natural passage of time, the skincare enthusiast remains optimistic about aging.

“I am grateful for every year that I get to age, and get another year older,” she said.

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