All the News Book Riot Covered This Week: July 13, 2024
Whew, this was a busy one!
🏆 The New York Times has unveiled its list of the 100 best books of the 21st century so far.
📚 A new Zora Neale Hurston novel is coming next year.
🚫 Books about disability are popular banning targets.
🍿 It’s officially (finally!) happening: the Uglies adaptation has a release date.
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🥇 These are the most-read books on Goodreads this week.
💥 Penguin Random House is set to acquire comics publisher Boom! Studios.
😎 Indie booksellers name the best debut books of summer.
📋 Lit Hub names the most anticipated books for the second half of 2024.
❗️ Viola Davis is co-writing a book with James Patterson.
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