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When and How Family Businesses Should Use Shareholder Agreements

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Two studies show that the right contract can both protect shareholders and add market value.

June 24, 2024

Ana Maria Serrano/Getty Images


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  • Two studies by the authors demonstrate that the presence of robust shareholder agreements in publicly traded family firms in France adds 18% in market value to shareholders because they protect shareholders against misuse of capital by groups of family members.  This article describes the critical provisions in such agreements and presents data showing the impact of these provisions on market value.

    A shareholder agreement (SA) is a legally enforceable contract signed by large shareholders. Its provisions typically bind the shareholders to make certain decisions together and limit when and to whom they can sell shares. SAs can create shareholder value when used by signatories to hold each other accountable, but they can destroy value when several join SAs to act as one large shareholder to extract benefits via lucrative insider transactions. Our research shows that the presence of the right kind of SAs can have a dramatically positive effect on the market valuation of family firms.

    • PJ

      Peter Jaskiewicz is a University Research Chair in Enduring Entrepreneurship at the Telfer School of Management in Ottawa, Ontario

    • FB

      François Belot is a professor at the Universite ́ Paris-Dauphine in Paris, France

    • JC

      James G. Combs is a professor at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management in Ottawa, Canada

    • EB

      Emmanuel Boutron is a professor at CEROS – University Paris Nanterre in Nanterre, France

    • CB

      Céline Barrédy is a professor at CEROS – University Paris Nanterre in Nanterre, France


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