Should You Tell Your Employer About Your Side Hustle? This One Non-Negotiable Step Will Reveal the Answer, Expert Says.
Plenty of Americans are picking up side hustles to earn some extra cash. Thirty-three percent of people say they need their side hustle to keep up with regular living expenses, while 27% say it helps fund discretionary spending, according to a Bankrate survey. A side hustle, by its very definition, is a gig that takes place in addition to (and probably outside of) a 9-5 or other primary occupation.
So, if you are among the 50% of U.S. adults with a side hustle, do you have to let your employer know?
Dan Doromal, co-owner and vice president of operations for Everest Ice and Water Systems, has a unique perspective on the question. He and his business partner, Ben Gaskill, run an ice vending machine company that offers a “cost-effective” solution for on-site ice production — and supports people in using the machines to set up their own businesses.
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