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Gavin Newsom’s Leftist Policies Wipe Out the Store That Inspired the Movie ‘Toy Story’

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This is very sad. The original toy store that inspired ‘Toy Story’ is closing in California. The store is located in San Francisco and is closing because of crime and inflation (the Democrats are responsible for both of those). 

The iconic San Francisco store that inspired Toy Story is closing after 86 years. Jeffrey’s Toys cited “the perils and violence of the downtown environment” and “inflation” as reasons for the closure.

In other words, it’s another casualty of failed politics in California. pic.twitter.com/WaQrt8zR3h

— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) January 27, 2024

Gavin killed Woody and Buzz. Way to go. https://t.co/KVcMhVuBTj

— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) January 27, 2024

He will never be President now.

Communism destroys everything https://t.co/YpOKd1KI8G

— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) January 27, 2024

It’ll be a homeless encampment tomorrow. Don’t do Buzz like that. https://t.co/S5c7xuZr5f

— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) January 27, 2024

Fire sale courtesy of @GavinNewsom https://t.co/1WY7Ag3dHj

— Holly Thornton 🇺🇸 (@beachmamax2) January 27, 2024

Everything Gavin touches turns to trash.

Sad. Another victim of Regressive Dem policies. https://t.co/5zIBFZDt9I

— James Gallagher (@J_GallagherAD3) January 27, 2024

— John Dennis (@RealJohnDennis) January 27, 2024


Hey @GavinNewsom what say you? Let’s see what lie you come up with on this one. You’re an abysmal failure, a snake in a suit and you’re destroying our beloved San Francisco. Despicable Democrat. https://t.co/x9hM1gPhns

— Shelley Matheny (@ShelleyMatheny) January 27, 2024

He’ll try and paint this as a win and spin this as a positive for California.

Is it any surprise that just outside Jeffrey’s Toys a man was sucker punched by a mentally ill deranged lunatic last year?

The commuter was hit with so much force that there were pools of blood on the sidewalk.

“Melvin Bu­lauan, 42, “skipped” to­wards the com­muter walk­ing… https://t.co/pRNav0fou1

— Thomas Hawk (@thomashawk) January 27, 2024

This is a bit of explanation of one of the latest crimes around the toy store.

The commuter was hit with so much force that there were pools of blood on the sidewalk.  “Melvin Bu­lauan, 42, “skipped” to­wards the com­muter walk­ing at the junc­tion of Kearny and Post Streets and punched him with such force as to leave pools of blood on the side­walk and the vic­tim in hos­pi­tal un­der­go­ing surgery.    “No one feels safe com­ing back to work down­town or rid­ing BART,” the vic­tim said in a state­ment read to the court. “All ef­forts to bring peo­ple back to the of­fice have been shot” as a con­se­quence of the July at­tack, he said.    “He is a vi­o­lent and dan­ger­ous in­di­vid­ual who should­n’t be on our streets.””

That’s terrifying.

Gavin Newsom has been cast as the villain in Toy Story 5

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) January 27, 2024

Thanks California. 😔 pic.twitter.com/3vkMCwtXao

— Kristi (@TheyCallMeNans) January 27, 2024

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