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Live from Groundbreak: How Procore is Driving a Digital Revolution and Maximizing ROI

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Groundbreak 2023 in Chicago is officially upon us and we’re covering this year’s top sessions so we can bring the event home to you. From cultural transformation to digital transformation, conference speakers are diving into key industry topics and sharing knowledge with their peers and industry experts on how to better their business, build more efficiently and help create a more diverse and skilled workforce.

Follow along throughout the event and check out some highlights as we share updates Live from Groundbreak — the construction technology event of the year.

This week industry professionals from around the globe converged to explore a common theme: the digital revolution in construction — and Procore’s role in it.

Digital Transformation in Latin America

Latin America is a region bursting with potential, but faces unique challenges in the path to digitalization. It’s evident that for Latin America to match the digitalization pace of its counterparts in Europe and America, there’s an urgent need to transition from traditional methods to newer, technology-driven processes. Making software the industry standard in Latin America will help them to catch up, but moreover, could potentially allow the region to lead the industry by building smarter and more efficiently.

General contractors and software implementation experts took the stage, delving deep into the intricacies of Procore’s adoption process in the region. Their insights painted a vivid picture of the journey — the initial hesitations, the challenges to be faced, the strategies to be employed, and the potential outcomes. Through this lens, the role Procore could play in accelerating digital transformation across the region is clear — the platform isn’t just a tool, it’s a way to ensure construction processes in Latin America are aligned with global best practices and, ultimately, maximize return on investment.

Thinking Beyond Invoices with Digital Platforms

Shifting gears, the discussion ventured into the broader landscape of digital transformation in the construction industry. Misty Lauer, Vice President of Accounting at Willmar Electric Services, captivated the audience. She explained that the industry needs to think beyond rudimentary tasks, like paying invoices, because digital transformation is about overhauling traditional business processes and embedding innovation at every step. Steve Gardner, VP of Operations at Willmar Electric Services, noted that first, though, company leaders should ask the question, “Do I actually need the change that I think will make my organization better?”

After determining what kind of tech is best suited for one’s company comes the planning and adoption phases. Laurer illustrated how implementing a platform like Procore doesn’t just introduce efficiency, but fundamentally changes the business approach, starting at the beginning. She stated, “We really rely on the Procore implementation team — they’re the experts. I don’t have time to teach everyone how to use an iPad, so we’ve set up an onboarding process where employees go through an entire certification process that’s designed completely for Willmar Electric.” She continued, “The more involvement every employee has in the program — in using all of the tools — really speaks for itself. They become more excited and help us build out processes to become even better.”

By embracing platforms like Procore, businesses are not merely adopting software; they’re aligning themselves with the future of construction. Attendees left the session with a blueprint to drive change within their organizations, which laid out how widespread adoption of technology can unlock streamlined, efficient processes that promise impressive ROI.

A Confluence of Perspectives

While much of the day’s focus was on Procore’s transformative potential, the real impact was felt in the meeting of perspectives. From the specific challenges of Latin America to the broader challenges faced by the global construction industry, it was clear that Procore is a vital instrument in the industry’s digital revolution. The company isn’t just facilitating digital transformation — it’s pioneering a movement that promises efficiency and scalability, regardless of geographical confines.

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