Bishop Thomas K. Gorman Catholic School recognized by The Newman Guide
TYLER, Texas — Bishop Thomas K. Gorman Catholic School, a profoundly Catholic school under the leadership of Bishop Joseph Strickland, its Chancellor and Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, is one of only five K through 12 schools in the United States recognized by The Newman Guide.
According to the Cardinal Newman Society, “The Newman Guide recognizes K through 12 schools that are committed to upholding the standards of faithful Catholic education. A school recognized in The Newman Guide strives for the very best of Catholic education. By affirming its commitment to the established standards, a Newman Guide School stands as an exemplar of faithful Catholic education for other schools nationwide.”
Bishop Thomas K. Gorman Catholic School is a Catholic, liberal arts college preparatory school in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas that serves students in grades 6 through 12. The vision of Bishop Thomas K. Gorman Catholic School is to prepare and form future saints and missionaries, and its mission is to graduate young men and women of well-formed Catholic Christian character, virtue, holiness and living faith who serve every segment of civil and ecclesial society with excellence. The Eucharist lies at the heart of Bishop Gorman Catholic School, as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remains the centerpiece of all that it does.
“It is a blessing and an honor that Bishop Gorman has been included in this new initiative by the Cardinal Newman Society,” said Bishop Strickland. “The Society ‘recognizes model institutions that refuse to compromise their Catholic mission’ and in doing so has become a significant element of ensuring that the beautiful truth of our Catholic faith is shared with new generations. Congratulations to the entire Bishop Gorman family for being included in this important program.”
In 2017, Bishop Strickland promulgated and released an Apostolic Constitution on Teaching when he established the St. Philip Institute in the Diocese of Tyler. This document and the work of the Institute have not only transformed the philosophy of catechesis and evangelization within the Diocese of Tyler, but they have also drawn the interest and attention of educators, catechists and formators from around the world with their challenge to return to the authentic teaching of the Catholic faith in every aspect of life, including and within Catholic schools.
Catholic education exists to put students in touch with the source of all Truth and Beauty, who is the living Trinitarian God, revealed in Jesus Christ. The “… gradual formation of conscience in fundamental, permanent virtues” (Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium) is at the heart of Catholic education. Bishop Gorman Catholic School seeks to accomplish this through the cultivation of a genuine Catholic culture and community among the faculty, staff and students. It is demonstrated by the leaders of the school, in word and deed, and encouraged through the structural and relational way of life that they establish in the educational community.
The leadership of Bishop Gorman Catholic School is founded upon a sacred trust requiring both knowledge of — and fidelity to — the fullness of Catholic teaching. These kinds of leaders will teach, live, and promote a virtue based educational philosophy and lead the entire Catholic educational community, faculty, staff and students, to the source of all virtue and excellence, Jesus Christ.
“This recognition is truly an honor and is the fruit of the work of many people. The faculty, staff and students strive daily in their unique ways to live our mission to form saints and missionaries,” added Mr. John Kimec, who was appointed principal of the school one year ago.
Watch: Bishop Gorman Catholic School
To learn more about Bishop Gorman Catholic School, visit
For additional information, or to schedule an interview with Deacon Keith Fournier, Dean of Catholic Identity, Principal John Kimec or Bishop Joseph Strickland, please contact Lisa Wheeler of Carmel Communications at [email protected] or 404-519-1987 or Andrea Boring of Carmel Communications at [email protected] or 480-369-8634.
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