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Satoshi Block Dojo entrepreneurs on plans for their new BSV businesses

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Home » Interviews » Satoshi Block Dojo entrepreneurs on plans for their new BSV businesses

On this episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Charles Miller hears from three tech entrepreneurs who are completing the Satoshi Block Dojo incubator programme. Before they pitch their Bitcoin SV business ideas to potential investors, Charles gets an exclusive account of their plans.

First up is Michael Olagunju. His platform, AirMaths, provides school students with access to quality maths and STEM education. The business idea came from Michael’s own experience at school, when his parents couldn’t hire a tutor to help him boost his performance in the subject—which he needed for a ticket to a top university.

Luckily, they discovered Exam Solutions a platform that offered free bite-sized videos to help students like him achieve their academic targets. With Exam Solutions’ help, Michael won a place at university and achieved a first class honours degree in Maths—from which he went on to a trading career.

Michael Olagunju, founder of AirMaths

But Michael then returned to his passion for education by acquiring the Exam Solutions business after quitting his trading job. With the help of Satoshi Block Dojo, he plans to take the already-busy platform to the next level. As he explains, The idea is to be able to understand the true learning experience of a child, but also their true skill level.” Identifying these factors will assist them by providing the student with precise learning targets. It’s much like trading he says, “It’s all about trying to understand the true value of the market.. and from that, you can inform your decisions.”

AirMaths will be launching a subscriptions model that will target schools and students between the ages of 15 and 18. For as low as £10 a month, he says, students will be able to access the platform’s features and receive payouts in exchange for entering their test scores. He notes that having access to students’ test results helps the platform verify their learning programmes. “It’s quite a data-dependent process where we constantly need to compare our model to the their real grades—and in order to get their real grades …we’re incentivising students with payouts.”

As he explains, “Being able to make those payouts to our clients via the Bitcoin SV blockchain as a micropayment is cheaper than doing it via, say, PayPal.”

Next up is Annie Siara, founder and CEO of Lunique, an online retail platform that aims to bring the luxury shopping experience into the Metaverse. Just like a high-end retail store, Lunique offers a VIP shopping experience for its targeted young affluent consumers. The personalised experience includes an avatar who will assist each consumer in a customised fashion.

Annie believes that new technologies such as blockchain can help solve real world problems. In this case, it’s a matter of improving customer service—in the context of a looming recession. “Luxury brands cannot decrease their prices because it decreases their brand value, so they need to increase the value that they provide consumers,” she notes.

Annie Siara, founder and CEO of Lunique

High value goods purchased through Lunique will be given a ‘birth certificate’ that will be stored in the BSV blockchain. As she points out, the certificate “acts as a proof of receipt as well as proof of authenticity for that product.” This would allow consumers to resell the product with confidence as data from the purchase is stored in the ledger and cannot be changed.

Finally, Borja Burguillos talks to Charles about 5tars, a platform that gives football enthusiasts a chance to predict the outcome of a real game and earn from it. He wants to take casual gaming to a whole new level by using Web3 and blockchain.

Every participant who wishes to join must pay a fee to enter a virtual arena that is connected to an actual game taking place in the real world. A participant is now able to place their picks on the match. A participant’s earnings will depend on the total community of people who placed predictions on a particular game—the more participants, the bigger the earnings!

Borja Burguillos of 5tars

According to Borja, 5Stars is not considered a gambling site. “We are considered in many jurisdictions, in many countries, as a skill-based game,” he says. However, Borja admits that a review of legal aspects is still necessary in other countries.

Borja and his team have been developing and running several tech startups in the past 10 years, mostly related to media and sports. He likes the idea of Satoshi Block Dojo and utilising the Bitcoin SV blockchain saying “there are not many accelerators doing what Block Dojo is doing.”

In addition, Borja thinks that for a business centred on football, it’s essential to have a presence in the U.K.: “It is the market to be in.” As a result of the ongoing World Cup, Borja says 5Stars has over 3,000 active users and 500 real games at present.

Join CoinGeek Conversations next week to meet the other three BSV entrepreneurs completing their course at Satoshi Block Dojo.

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