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Kenya Moore Thought Her World Would Change at 50. It’s Only Gotten Better

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How has your personal style evolved as you’ve grown into the woman you are today?

I’m from Detroit, and it’s like an inside joke there that everything is very monochromatic. If you wore a red dress, there was a red hat, a red purse, a red shoe, a red lipstick…everything. Just the loudest that it could possibly be. Although I still have my love for bright colors, I don’t feel the need to wear rhinestones and glitter as much. I love a muted palette now, and I never loved muted colors before. I’ll do a monochromatic look, but it would be in creams.

Certain designers that I didn’t like before, I love them now. When I was growing up in the ’90s, that Versace style dominated. You didn’t look cool unless you were wearing something along the lines of that rock-and-roll style of dress. Now, if I’m wearing Lanvin or Bottega Veneta, I feel sophisticated. I don’t have to wear everything skintight. I can wear something that just skims your body or is long and flowy. I still have my moments where I love bright colors because they look good on dark skin, but I just wear them in a different way.

What do you wear when you want to feel the most confident?

Oh, definitely a power suit. I love women’s suiting. I love pantsuits especially. I always feel really amazing in white. 

Where is your favorite place to unwind?

Anywhere my daughter is. She takes my mind off of everything, and I have to only focus on her. It makes the outside noise just become quiet and make me relax. I don’t have to worry about what I look like or my hair. She thinks I’m beautiful no matter what I look like.

What is your favorite low-stakes treat after a productive day?

That’s a very easy answer. I am obsessed with these slices of cake from this local grocery store called Publix. They sell whole cakes, but they got smart and took the whole cakes and made slices so you can just buy a slice. Because I have an obsession, I cannot go in there and buy a whole cake or I literally will eat the entire thing in one sitting. So I just go in every day, literally, to buy one slice of bakery cake. At the end of the day, after I’ve eaten and everyone has gone to sleep, I have my quiet moment and just sink my fork into that cake. It’s a slice of heaven. I can’t stop.

Do you have a standard email sign off?

“Warmest regards.”

What if you don’t wish them warm regards, though?

“Best.” [Laughs.] I’ll just say “best.” If you think about it, it doesn’t even really make sense. “Best.” What does that even mean?

Last question: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten from a woman in your life?

Oh, that would be from my grandmother. Just always be myself. Don’t feel like I have to fit in or look a certain way or talk a certain way or be a certain way or do certain things just to fit in. That’s why I think I’m such a hell-raiser now—because I do me and just don’t know how to do anything else.

Anna Moeslein is the deputy editor at Glamour.

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