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CBS News: Study shows that quality of life ‘dramatically improves’ after receiving ‘top surgery’

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We just did a post about a girl who went on testosterone when she was 15 and now, at 17, hates the sound of her own voice and is suicidal. But the adults thought she needed “gender-affirming care” and she went along with it. She did not, however, undergo surgery, for which she’s thankful.

The media is coming out in defense of double mastectomies — “top surgery” — on minors now that evil conservatives have begun calling it mutilation and claiming a minor is in no frame of mind to make that decision. Only two days ago, the New York Times, did a piece on top surgery:

This is what the modern Democrat party is fighting for. More abortions and more mutation of minors.

More Trans Teens Are Choosing ‘Top Surgery’ – The New York Times https://t.co/xg3mNiRSPN

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 26, 2022

Imagine describing a surgeon who’s performed double mastectomies on a 13- and 14-year old as having “built a thriving top surgery specialty” – as the New York Times does here. Something has gone very wrong with the reporting on this issue in the US. https://t.co/TYBDhLzeBH

— Sonia Sodha (@soniasodha) September 26, 2022

“The surgeon said that most of her patients, teenagers and adults alike, found her on TikTok.”

Now CBS News is reporting on a study out of Northwestern Medicine that claims quality of life “dramatically improves” after receiving top surgery.

The quality of life of young transmasculine people dramatically improves after receiving top surgery — a mastectomy procedure that removes breast tissue — according to a study by Northwestern Medicine. https://t.co/PgAFh31Owo

— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 27, 2022

So excited for my wife’s study being published in JAMA Pediatrics today. Congrats @sumanasjordan ! https://t.co/pY9YN1Vq91

— J. D. Jordan (@zanson) September 26, 2022

Here’s “former trans-kid” Chloe Cole, who had top surgery at 15:

A 3 month follow up is not enough time to make judgements on quality of life improvements for double mastectomy in children and young adults. I got my surgery years ago and I’m still having complications. Also, losing 13% due to follow up is pretty significant. https://t.co/n5OWS6Suzv

— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) September 27, 2022

Is this the one with the 3 month followup?

— Pragmatic Developer (@capitalist_qol) September 27, 2022


They didn’t want to find the suicides after the first year.

— Allen Shrugged (@AllenShrugged) September 27, 2022

3 month follow up is a complete joke

— marilyn maupin (@marilynmaupin) September 28, 2022

Legit, is that what the study is based on?

— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) September 28, 2022

3 months is not even past the initial recovery period. It took years before I started to regret my genital mutilation, and was able to wrap my head around what had been done to me by people that I trusted.

— Nico (@DysphoricGay) September 27, 2022

I physically had to go to the place I had surgery at, years later to inform them that I was in fact, not happy. I hadn’t had contact in years, and I couldn’t just sit with knowing that they still had my 3 month follow up as my final assessment

— counter_etch (@120carborundum) September 28, 2022

“Three months after surgery, the patients who had the procedure experienced significantly less chest dysphoria than they had prior to surgery”. THREE MONTHS? The first year or two after surgery are called the “honeymoon period” for a reason. Ask them in 5,10 years.

— Genspect (@genspect) September 28, 2022

This was their control group: “received gender-affirming care, no surgery.”

What did they expect after continuing to reinforce the same rumination? “Do you feel the same or worse as 3 months ago?” Foregone conclusion, of course.

This passes for “science” I guess.

— Andrew Vit (@andrewvit) September 28, 2022

13% subject mortality after only 3 months is a gigantic 🚩with respect to the results of this “study.” Also, there’s no comparison group which means it’s worthless. The authors are woefully negligent.

— SwallowThePill KPSS 🟥 (@pill_swallow) September 28, 2022

Nobody seems to consider whole-life satisfaction. We should ask why that might be.

— Matt H (@Matt_H_UK) September 27, 2022

The highest prevalence of regret occurs between seven and ten years after surgery.

— 🇨🇦 Women Exist ♀#IStandWithAmyHamm (@Women___Exist) September 27, 2022

Surely you cannot expect @CBSNews to do any actual fact-checking, let alone real journalisming.

— Tom’s Tidbits (@TomsTidbits) September 28, 2022

1. Begin with preferred conclusions.

2. Generate rigged “hypothesis” that serves as a rationalization for predetermined conclusion.

3. Build experiments or “studies” with controls, measures, and such that produce the desired conclusion.

4. Get fellow ideologues to praise it.

— Aurelian of Rome ☪️ (@AurelianofRome) September 28, 2022

Weeks ago: “They’re not doing that you conspiracy theorist!”

Now: “Of course they’re doing it because it’s so good for the children, you bigot!”

— Aldous Huxley’s Ghost™ (@AF632) September 28, 2022

I had it on good authority minors aren’t getting this surgery, so I have no idea what this study is about.

But even though it’s not happening, it’s good that it’s happening because this study says so.

And 3 months follow up is long enough because this study says so.


— Abby 🇺🇸 (@abbyhasthoughts) September 28, 2022

It’s terrifying how deeply entrenched this nonsense is. Before long the opposition gives up, and it becomes the absolute given norm. What has happened and continues to happen in schools and wider society is scandalous it really is. Is there an answer, or is it just too late?

— Charlie Visconti (@CharlieVisconti) September 28, 2022

It will never be “progressive” to cut off a 14 year-old girl’s breasts you sick f***s

— Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) September 28, 2022

Once again, the argument is that you have to rush into this surgery before they commit suicide:

Access to gender-affirming surgical care can be a life-or-death issue for trans youth. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that nearly 51% of female-to-male respondents had attempted suicide, while the average youth suicide rate in the U.S. is 9%, according to a 2022 study by UCLA.

Bear in mind that the Biden administration fully supports all “gender-affirming” care.


Editor’s Note:

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Sen. Rand Paul ‘launches into transphobic rant’ against Dr. Rachel Levine about her support for gender transition surgery for minors https://t.co/AfvtEWoy75

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 26, 2021

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