Experts Share How to Improve Your Small Business Team and Grow Your Network Aside From Hiring
A quality small business team can accelerate your business growth. But many companies today are struggling to hire. However, this isn’t the only way to increase the effectiveness of your team and grow your small business network. Read tips from members of the online small business community below.
Don’t Overlook Onboarding
Lots of businesses today are solely focused on growing their team. But finding people to hire is only a small part of the process. If you want to be successful long-term, you need to onboard new team members properly. David Banaghan offers tips and insights in this Occupop post.
Reduce Customer Complaints
Ideally, you want customers to rave about your business. But there will always be some people who aren’t happy with your products or services. Your quality team should try as hard as possible to reduce this number. Diana Avram-Anghel details how to accomplish this goal in this AlisQI post.
Create Winning Training Videos
Videos can be an ideal way to introduce important concepts and processes to new team members. These can be used for remote team members or in addition to in-person training for those working in an office. Read this G2 Learn Hub post by Mara Calvello for tips on creating winning training videos.
Use an Excel Invoicing Template
When you grow your business network to include multiple clients, invoicing can take lots of time. But templates can simplify the process. And there are plenty of options available for programs you probably already use – like Excel. This InvoiceBerry post by Ana Mladenovc features a guide to Excel invoice templates.
Measure Brand Awareness
Your small business network isn’t just about your partners, customers, and team. Everyone who’s heard of your business or considered buying from you should be included. To grow this area, you need to focus on increasing brand awareness. Anthony Williams shares a guide in this PlatterOfGold post.
Increase Accessibility in the Workplace
If you want to bring the best possible talent to your workplace, you shouldn’t exclude people because of an inaccessible space. In fact, there are many other important reasons to prioritize accessibility. Ivan Widjaya shares tips in this SMB CEO post.
Use Golf as a Business Tool
Visit any golf course and you’ll likely find lots of business professionals playing a round. This isn’t just a popular way to kick back – golf can actually be a useful tool for growing and strengthening your network. Jordan Fuller discusses in this BusinessLoad post. And BizSugar members offered thoughts here.
Use These Onboarding Tools for Remote Teams
Lots of businesses are growing these days by bringing on remote team members. But the way you interact with these employees differs from interactions with in-person team members. And this can impact onboarding. Ciara Byrne lists several onboarding tools perfect for remote teams in this post.
Become a Big Fish in a Small Pond
The environment where you choose to grow your business can greatly impact your network and chances of success. If you want to seem like the biggest and best operation in town, use the tips in this Small Biz Viewpoints post by Harry and Sally Vaishnav to grow.
Choose the Right Time to Buy a Franchise
Franchise businesses give you the opportunity to grow a team and network quickly. However, there are many important considerations to make before buying. In fact, when you choose to buy can make a major impact, as Joel Libava goes over in this Franchise Direct post.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].
Image: Depositphotos
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