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New Business Opportunity in Equipment Industry.

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Construction Equipment Industry one of the prime industry directly related to with economy. Boom in Infastruture leads to growth in Industry and vise-versa but this industry has ample opportunites for new business. If you are new to the industry we wil let you know the some of great business idea from you can start your business and get good amount of earnings.

Though its require lots of experience in this industry to run the profitable business but still you can start from ths first tiny step with minimum investment that can take you ahead in business.

Will step out all the business idea which you can start in Equipment Industry.

1. Construction Equipment Rental Business

Construction Equipment business is not the innovative and or not a new business idea but you can do it in innovative way with some new range of product line that does not exits in market. Yes it take time to make it aware the product in market. You need to make understand the usefullness of product that can be benefit to your customer.

Like if you can start cleaning machine renting business that not as usual and comman like any other big construction equipment like excavator, backhoe, crane, pharma, industrial and other more machiniries but yes with low investment you can get the good profit and learning and also. Same you need to identify the opportunity.

So the start with small equipment that give you the business in your locality and that you develop in future make it big.

2. Service Business

There is ample opportunity in construction heavy equipment service business. There are many owner and hirier are there who dont want to use the dealer service or dealer service is not reachable upto him. So there is business opprtunity for you and create the business value to him. It may for any kind machine. You just need indentify the you locality full of machine and service is not available to him.

Here service means the repairing. If you want to do it at your own then you need to learn repairing work either you may appoint the service person who will do the job for you. This business is unique and you may create as big as you want and increase the service enginner. Serviceing may be belong to any machine like home applicance, industrial machine, construction machine, mining machine, automobile. Just you need to identify which one suits to you and belong to you.

3. Parts Supply Business

Parts supply business is the same stream business in this you can do the 2 business simultaneously along with the parts you can provide the service also. Customer will not let you for long term and long business relation ship will countinue with you. parts business is clearly average 20% margin business in branded item. So you clearly estimate the you investment according to sale and profit.

Same way parts may be from any kind of industry. Automobile, Construction equipment parts, Industrial item parts. Again you need to judge your locality for business in some area automobile business somewhere mining parts will good. Moslty parts business is cash and carry business till you dont provide credit to customer just to gain the more sale.

4. Consulting services

Consulting service also a good business opportunity if you have good through konwledge of any specific sector. Then you may start the consulting business. Many of new business startup and manufacturing plant dont know from where to purchase the machine or who will set up the whole plant and from where to buy and from planning to manufacturing of product require the help of consultancy.

There are multiple equipment industry you can provide consulting – like Cement industry equipment, Pharma industry equipment, Paper mill industry machine, Ceramic industry machine. if you search no limit of there. After consultancy you may provide after sales service if you want to get more margin and fixed income sources from the same customer.

These are some the business you can start with minimum investment and grow according to demand of your business.

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