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Bored & Hungry NFT Restaurant Still Accept Crypto Vs. “Fake News”

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Recently, several media publications reported that the BAYC restaurant, Bored & Hungry, is no longer accepting crypto. However, Andy Nguyen, the restaurant’s owner has called out the reports as “fake news”. Nguyen added that the restaurant will “always” accept crypto. Let’s take a closer look at what happened with the Bored & Hungry NFT restaurant. 

Bored & Hungry NFT restaurant featuring a bored ape
The restaurant owner claims it still accepts crypto payments.

What happened with the Bored & Hungry NFT restaurant?

The Los Angeles Times on Friday, June 24, reported that the NFT-themed Bored & Hungry restaurant had stopped accepting crypto as a payment option. The alleged step came amid the crypto market crash that saw Ethereum falling to $1,200.

According to the report, a Bored & Hungry employee allegedly told the media, “Not today — I don’t know”. The employee, however, did not give any information on when the restaurant decided to not accept crypto payments. They also did not know if the establishment would accept crypto payments again. 

However, Los Angeles restaurateur, Nguyen refuted the claims yesterday, June 27. “Lmao! Fake news!” he tweeted. “Why on earth would we stop accepting crypto at Bored & Hungry? We would just adjust the crypto pricing to match usd. We still and always will accept ETH & ApeCoin at our store.”

About Bored & Hungry restaurant

Opened in April 2022, Bored & Hungry is an NFT-themed fast food joint at 2405 E 7th St. in Long Beach, California. The 1,700-square-foot restaurant displays Nguyen’s Bored Ape #6184 and two of his Mutant Apes. Reportedly, Nguyen purchased the Bored Ape for $267,000. What’s more, on its opening day on April 9, all BAYC owners received a free meal.

Nguyen opened the Bored & Hungry restaurant to give back to the Web3 community. In addition, he wanted to educate the common public about how one can create a brand/business using their NFTs’ IP. 

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